Diversity Strategies: Infusing DEI into Your Organization
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Why are diversity strategies important?
We know that the construction industry is experiencing a surge in diversity, but that many don't have the tools to ensure their workforce includes everyone who can contribute to them. Our team of highly skilled specialists will work with you to develop a proactive strategy for creating an inclusive work environment at every stage of your project. We also provide comprehensive community engagement programs throughout the duration of the project, so that your diverse workforce can excel in career development and retention opportunities.
Organizations that embrace workplace diversity are more likely to build a workplace culture that is productive, capable of attracting talent, and likely to contribute to the bottom line. Businesses with engaged employees report better financial performance, higher employee retention rates, boost in productivity and innovation.
Along with other benefits, workplace inclusion promotes success and safety for workers of diverse racial backgrounds and gender in today's workplace. The best talent is attracted to and retained by diverse teams because they deliver greater results. But why are certain workplaces more diverse than others?
Workplace inclusion, according to certain HR and talent management leaders, must be ingrained in the organization's basic principles or etched into the company's DNA. It is certainly no easy feat achieving this goal, which is why organizations utilize professional services to facilitate that.
What is the definition of diversity in the workplace, though? Effective workplace inclusion requires an understanding of each person's individuality and uniqueness. Employee diversity refers to the variety of backgrounds, traits, perspectives, and abilities that your staff members possesses:
Race and ethnicity
Sexual orientation
Socio-economic status
Physical abilities
Religious beliefs
Political beliefs, or other ideologies.
To learn more about workforce diversity, we offer workforce compliance services to help your business not only become compliant, but also raise awareness to diversity.
Corporations identified as more diverse and inclusive are 35% more likely to outperform their competitors. Gender or racial and ethnic diversity are more likely to have financial returns above their national industry medians. Diversity is probably a competitive differentiator that shifts market share toward more diverse companies over time. (McKinsey)
Ways to Build Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in the Workplace
Businesses need to do more than just comply with federal, state and local laws. They must actively be conscientious in the creation of culture that recruits, retains and builds a diversity talent pipeline. Understanding what is meant by diversity, as well as how to achieve it and have it be reflected in your business is imperative to all businesses that are wanting to meet today's workforce demands.
Hiring for diversity is essential to businesses seeking to gain talent and maintain it. Justice Diversity Strategies are needed to create a fair environment that is enthusiastic and welcoming to everyone. They build onto core company values and lead to higher engagement and productivity.
Justice Diversity Strategies are essential to businesses wanting to hire and retain talent today. That is why companies are coming up with ways to boost Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (JEDI). Justice Diversity Strategies maintain and add onto core company values, create an environment that is suited for everyone, and increases engagement. While these strategies enrich your company now and in the future, they also help foster better relationships between management, employees, and customers.
Justice Diversity Strategies are not the only essential asset when creating a diverse workforce. We will come up with effective strategies to bring in diveristy, so everyone can feel valued and appreciated. The following basic tips will help you with your strategy and help make it even more effective:
Challenge unconscious bias
Use inclusive language
Create educational workshops & cultural events
Build a mentoring community
Regularly collect feedback
Empower by defining core values
If you need assistance in applying strategies into the workplace, contact us and our team will equip you with the best diversity strategies suitable for your situation.
“I can tell you, without diversity, creativity remains stagnant.”
How to Get Started
Ready to begin applying strategies and building diversity into your workplace? InOrder Business wants to help make increasing diversity and inclusion easier by supporting businesses every step of the way. We offer resources and professional guidance to set up your business for success, eliminating any barriers that may hold you back, as well as ensuring that everything has been checked off. We guarantee positive outcomes by offering MBE/W/DBE Development services. All aspects of development and strategies are handled by us:
1:1 sessions
Group courses
Private webinars and more
We specialize in diversity and development to help your company grow through effective diversity and inclusive strategies. We value unlocking your company’s true potential. By fostering diversity and inclusion in the workplace, an effective diversity strategy can go a long way in maintaining that and achieving long-term results.