Obtaining a Minority-Owned Business Certificate
Have you been taking advantage of the inclusive opportunities of being qualified as a minority-owned business?
What is MBE/W/VBE/DBE?
We understand that the certification process can be daunting to obtain a minority-owned business (MBE) certificate can be a daunting and difficult experience, especially when you're midway into your business's life cycle.
You can also obtain WBE, VBE and DBE designations if you are a woman, veteran, disadvantaged own business. Even owners of successful businesses can benefit from taking the time to make their business MBE compliant.
The heart of the American economy is small business, and minority-owned business enterprises (MBEs) power are the most contributing factors. The operations of the minority business community have a substantial positive economic impact on the entire country as well as the local communities where they operate.
The benefits of having a MBE certificate gives you access to exclusive opportunities where you can gain help with professionals that specializes in solving challenges in various fields:
Top corporate purchasing agents
Large to small-scale networking events
Searchable supplier databases
Affordable consulting services
Technology programs
Social networking to nationally known corporations
Comparative growth paints an even brighter picture, according to U.S. Census Bureau data. Between 2007 and 2012, receipts for minority-owned firms climbed from $1.0 trillion to $1.4 trillion (34.7 percent).
Are You Eligible?
Are eligible for certification and ready to take on contract opportunities to compete in future projects?
If you are a Minority owned, Woman owned, Veteran owned, or Disadvantaged owned business, you can benefit from unique opportunities, such as government contracts and other funding opportunities. Working in an environment that's diverse as both culture and experience also opens up doors to unique business and personal connections. We're here to encourage minority businesses and entrepreneurs looking for help in starting and growing their businesses.
Ownership by a minority must be at least 51% owned by such person or group for management and daily operations to be considered controlled by those minority group members. 8(a) businesses do are not required to be minority-owned as long as they meet this requirement. Visit the SBA website to see all program’s benefits and qualifications. If you require help or have any questions with certification, refer to our contact page and we will connect you with professionals that will help make this procedure seamless.
You can gain help for :
Quarterly Meetings and Training
Professional Development Sessions
Community Engagement Events
Technical Assistance
For additional requirements and to see if you qualify, visit the NMSDC website.
“You see a glaring wealth gap between Black people and white people. As these Black businesses start to thrive, it signals what’s possible.”
Grow Your Business
You can grow your business with the help of using M/W/DBE Development services at InOrder Business.
InOrder Business is reliable, professional service that helps large to small-scale businesses connect with a team of experts that can get a business signed up and started on consulting services at an affordable cost. We help you find contracting opportunities tailored for your business. From diversity development to workforce compliance, the team is here to support you in your goals.
We want to help make getting the MBE certificate easier by telling people what the certification is, how it can affect them, and get certified.
It is clear that minority-owned firms have benefited our economy in the past and will do so in the future as our country's economy develops. Take advantage of the extensive opportunities that comes with being MBE certified.